I know for a fact im with the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. Yes, we both still act like little kids.. We know how to have fun. We laugh over stupid little jokes that arent really that funny. We cuddle, Write Letters. Just little things you would do when you were younger.
We are always going to be kids at heart, just by the way we act. But, thats a good thing right? when two kids fall in love, when they are actually in a adult body.
I know the way he treats me. I just feel like my heart is pounding out of my chest like one of those wacky lovey dovey cartoons.
But I love every second, minute...hour I can talk, or spend time with him. He makes me feel like no other. I feel like I am the only girl left on the face of the face I feel so good.
I know sometimes we have little kiddy sissy fights that last maybe 30 minutes to a hour. But I still love him more than life itself. I know sometimes we might have a fight and it last all night but I know deep down inside I am so mad and hurt..But, I have to say I am still very happy in the end I still have him in my life.
He completes me, He made me a better person. He made me realize how to have fun, just like little kids would do.
I love him so much!
kids at heart, together forever.