Thursday, January 24, 2008


Have you ever thought of yourself as perfect or ever wondered why you couldnt become perfect?
Well, I always thought myself as being someone who I wasn't. I wanted to become something to impress. Or make the one I love, love me more than he does now. But, I never expected myself..
To push myself to the limit where it makes me sick to my stomach..

I love how I look.
I love my face.
I love my eyes.
I just LOVE me.

I learned to grow that god made me this way for a reason. To live like you were supposed to be.
Just be yourself, dont worry about what others think. It's what you think about yourself.
and what the person you admire thinks about you. That's all that matters.

I came to a point where the only thing I would ever say was " I dont like how I look, I wish I was perfect" Everyone would get so mad at me knowing that I had that coming across my mind. But, I just went through a stage I guess, I mean I would literally look in the mirrior when I was alone and just literally cry. I wanted to be perfect. I tried and tried to do everything possible to produce this figure or whatever you may call it, to make myself happy.

But, in the end which is now, I have realized to make your perfect, just be yourself. You are beautiful inside and out. And thats all that matters. And just remember no one is perfect.

Not even you. =]
I feel good about myself now. I have come to realize I have everything I have ever wanted in my life, I have the incredible family..the most amazing incredible boyfriend, and the best of friends to love me for who I am.

So, Advice from me to you...

Be Yourself, No one is perfect..

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